Thursday, July 3, 2008

Harley is all grown up. It makes me happy and sad at the same time. She loved school. I think she is going to be like her aunts and be a little social butterfly. According to her teacher Mr Murry, "She loves to talk to her friends instead of getting her work done." She is going to miss her friends. Daniella lives in New York half of the year and then comes to Palm Desert the other half. Rene is going to Mexico for the summer. So she will be excited to see them the next school year. We have gotten to now Keanu and is mom Jennifer. They gave harley and Mr. Murry the beautiful lays for graduation. (They were real flowers) They have been a lot of fun. She was one of the tallest kids in her class. I keep telling her she is going to be my volleyball player!! She is really excited to go into the First Grade. We are all proud of you my sista!!!!

1 comment:

lofgreenlegacy said...

Yay for Harley!!! And yay we both get to have two kids in school this fall. Kamri's is only 4 hrs a week but I'll take what I can get. Good job Harley!!!