Thursday, May 29, 2008


This is so funny I have to write about it. So Harley has a couple friends over after school and we all get out of the car and go into the house. I tell the kids to put their back packs by the front door so we will know where they are when their parents come and get them. Then I tell Hannah to put some real clothes on because she is forever in dress up clothes so she can go outside and play with the kids. I tell the other kids to go sit at the table because I have a Krispie Kream doughnut for them. So everyone is excited for their treat. I keep hearing Hagan banging on a door and screaming and yelling. And I keep thinking that Hannah has her locked up in the room with her while she is changing her clothes and won't let her out. After a while I finally tell Harley to go and let poor Hagan out. She comes back yelling you locked her outside the front door. Poor Hagan comes running in red faced with tears running down her face yelling MOOOOOOOM! My neighbors are probably thinking "What a MoM!!!"

1 comment:

lofgreenlegacy said...

LOL! That is hilarious! I can just see Hagan out there screaming. Poor thing!