Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I've been tagged!!!

Thanks Holly!

List Ten Things That Make Me Happy Today!

1) First Thing Harley, Hannah, and Hagan do when they wake up is give me a big smile and a huge hug. I love that!

2)To go over to Stephanies and swim. My girls love that

3)Go to tuesday morning with Jenn and check it out! They have some fun stuff!

4)Do my laundry so it isn't calling my name to wash me

5)Help Hannah spend her birthday money on a fun toy!

6)Put Hagan down for a nap because she really needs one!

7)Putting flowers on the side of my garage.

8)Getting a new cell phone beause mine fell in the pool. =)

9)Pick up Harley from school because we miss her!

10)Have dinner together as a family. I Love That!!!

I tag Hope, Kim, and Jess


The Meehl Family said...

TARYN!!! So excited to see your blog!!! Your family is so cute!!! Hope all is well...wherever you are! --Leah (Kempton)

Kimberly said...

Thanks a lot for tagging me...j/k. I love you and your cute girls, you guys always put a smile on my face, thanks.

Melynda said...

Hey Taryn,

I was secretly surfing blogs and I found yours. I was so excited!!! You and Mike have such a cute family!
